Medical College for Indian Student

Popular Medical College


The most prestigious concern of popular group, the popular Medical College started its jurney in the year 2010 and by the grace of Almighty Allah it is now able to boast about a sound infrastructure and an enviable faculty. The dedicated workforce with their committed adherence to quality and uncompromising perfectionhas been the root of this success.

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About UsPopular Medical College | Medical College for Indian Student

Since its inception in 2010 Popular Medical College has been engaged in producing “doctors with a difference capable of taking the charge of the future”.

It is at the verge of fulfillment of its commitment and the 1st batch of the students will appear in final professional examination of the university in January 2016.

The College has always emphasized on quality teachers, teaching materials and student friendly environment.

Admission Procedure

Admission procedure for local students

Admission requirement is common to all Medical Colleges of Bangladesh which is formulated by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Universities and Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council.

The eligibility of the candidate for the year is decided by this combined body. Students intending to be admitted in medical college must have pass HSC or equivalent examination with the subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

They are required to sit for a central admission test conducted by MOH&FW through DGHS. Once a candidate in declared eligible he / she is required to apply in prescribed form of Popular Medical College for admission along with the document wanted in the advertisement of the college. The admission is on the basis of merit amongst the applicants.

Admission procedure for foreign students

Candidates fulfilling the eligibility for admission in non-government medical colleges of Bangladesh are required to apply in the prescribed form along with the following documents (any one of the procedures may be followed).

SSC / equivalent examination mark sheets

HSC / Equivalent examination marksheets

Equivalence certificates of the above mark sheets from the Director Medical Education, DGHS of Bangladesh

No objection certificate from the Ministry of Education of the respective country of the candidate

Undergraduate Eligibility Certificate / No objection Certificate from the Medical and Dental Council of the respective country stating their permission to study in Popular Medical College.

Procedure I :

Foreign students may apply directly to Popular Medical College in the prescribed form of Popular Medical College along with the above-mentioned documents. They shall be notified of their admission offer within three weeks of receiving their application. Online application is available.
All candidates must complete their admission formalities within the specified date stated in the notification.

Procedure II :

Students may apply through the Embassy of Bangladesh in the prescribed form (downloadable from the website) of Popular Medical College along with the above mentioned documents except equivalence certificates of the above mark sheets from the Director Medical Education, DGHS of Bangladesh (this shall be organized by the DGHS in Dhaka).

Once the application forms along with the equivalence certificate and other required ducuments are received by Popular Medical College authority procedures for acceptance shall begin.
Candidates shall be notified of their admission offer within three weeks of receiving their application from the DGHS.
All candidates must complete their admission formalities within the specified date stated in the notification.

Procedure III :

Candidates may also apply through any authorized agency. In such case the submission of required papers and organizing the admissions shall be the agency’s responsibility.

Fees For Foreign Students

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Total Fees US$ 45,000 including Govt. Registration fees & Hostel Charge

During Admission  US$ 20,000

The rest of the money can be paid with 5 years Installment facilities

(Online /Direct Admission & Seat Confirmation)


Fortune Education

Authorized Representative

MOBILE & WHATSAPP: +88-01995529533


MOBILE & WHATSAPP:  +91-9903355537

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