Uttara Adhunik Medical College & Hospital is the latest addition to many other successful institutions grown under the aegis of BMSRI. Way back in 1984 in the middle of a monopoly trend of Govt.

medical services a group of prudent, wise men had foreseen the scope of medical education in private sectors in Bangladesh and attempted to bring a revolutionary change with the establishment of Bangladesh medical studies research institute (BMSRI).

Uttara Adhunik Medical College

Uttara Adhunik Medical College

It was the strong devotion of such remarkable individuals which resulted in formation of Bangladesh medical college (BMC); the first private medical college and the milestone in the history of private medical colleges in Bangladesh. Since then BMSRI has successfully contributed in opening new avenues for the health workers & physicians in the private sector/

The dynamic leadership of BMSRI ensured the enrichment of Bangladesh medical college which has further expanded into the culminated creation of a huge hospital complex at Uttara, known as Uttara Adhunik Hospital. Initially the hospital started with an outdoor facility on the 12th.

March 2003. Indoor facilities were available on 10th March 2005. This hospital with a capacity of 500 beds is now registered by the ministry of health and family welfare, government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh.

In the year of 2007 BMSRI added ‘Uttara Adhunik Medical College’ as its latest unit. The College started its journey in 22nd January 2008 with enrolment of fifty students. Since then college has undergone tremendous development and has been recognized as an excellent seat of learning and motivation.

UAMC has been affiliated with Dhaka University from the very beginning (since 2008). The hospital and medical college is proud of its excellent staff and the faculty of whom many have decades of experience in running medical institutes in private and government sectors.

It is the dedication of all the members of UAMC&H that has made this institute earn its rightful position & proved itself as the center of excellence in the private medical sector in such a short distance of time.


The major goals of the institute are to

For direct MBBS online Direct admission, Scholarship, and information, Contact Fortune Education: Call or  Whatsapp +880 1995529533, +91-9903355537

To accomplish these goals this institute has always focused in Promoting and providing

Fortune Education

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The main course offered at UAMC is the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) based on undergraduate medical course curriculum (Newly revised; September 2012) approved by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council and by the Faculty of Medicine of Dhaka University (DU).

The medical students will be awarded an MBBS degree by Dhaka University (DU) upon their successful completion of the course and passing the final professional MBBS examination.

National Goal:

To produce competent, compassionate, reflective and dedicated health care professionals who:

Objectives of MBBS Course:

At the end of the MBBS Course students shall:

    1. Acquire knowledge and understanding of
    2. a) The sciences upon which Medicine depends and the scientific and experimental methods;
    3. b) The structure, function and normal growth and development of the human body and the workings of the mind and their interaction, the factors which may disturb these, and the disorders of structure and function which may result;
    4. c) The etiology, natural history and prognosis of the common mental and physical ailments. Students must have experience of emergencies and a good knowledge of the common diseases of the community and of ageing processes;
    5. d) Normal pregnancy and childbirth, the common obstetric emergencies, the principles of ante-natal and post natal care, and medical aspects of family planning and psycho-sexual counseling;
    6. e) The principles of prevention and of therapy, including health education, the amelioration of suffering and disability, rehabilitation, the maintenance of health in old age, and the care of the dying;
    7. f) Human relationships, both personal and social and the interaction between man and his physical, biological and social environment;
    8. g) The organization and provision of health care in the community and in hospital, the identification of the need for it, and the economic, ethical and practical constraints within which it operates; and
    9. h) The ethical standards and legal responsibilities of the medical profession.
    10. Develop the professional skills necessary to
    11. a) Elicit, record and interpret the relevant medical history, symptoms and physical signs, and to identify the problems and how these may be managed;
    12. b) Carry out simple practical clinical procedures;
    13. c) Deal with common medical emergencies;
    14. d) Communicate effectively and sensitively with patients and their relatives;
    15. e) Communicate clinical information accurately and concisely, both by word of mouth and in writing, to medical colleagues and to other professionals involved in the care of the patient; and
    16. f) Use laboratory and other diagnostic and therapeutic services effectively and economically and in the best interests of his patients.
    17. Develop appropriate attitudes to the practice of medicine, which include
    18. a) Recognition that a blend of scientific and humanitarian approaches is needed in medicine.
    19. b) A capacity for self education, so that he may continue to develop and extend his knowledge and skills throughout his professional life, and recognize his obligation to contribute if he can to the progress of medicine and to new knowledge;
    20. c) The ability to assess the reliability of evidence and the relevance of scientific knowledge, to reach conclusions by logical deduction or by experiment and to evaluate critically methods and standards of medical practice;
    21. d) A continuing concern for the interests and dignity of his patients;
    22. e) An ability to appreciate the limitations of his own knowledge, combined with a willingness, when necessary, to seek further help; and
    23. f) The achievement of good working relationships with members of the other health care professions.

Learning Outcomes of MBBS course:

To achieve the National goal and course objectives, a set of “Essential learning outcomes/ competences” which students of the medical colleges / institutes on completion of MBBS course and at the point of graduation must be able to demonstrate has been defined by BMDC are:

    1. I) The graduate with knowledge of scientific basis of Medical Practice
    2. II) The graduate as a practitioner

III) The graduate as a professional

Medium of Instruction: English

Duration: MBBS course comprises of 5 Years, followed by logbook based rotatory internship for one year

Course structure and duration

The MBBS course is of 05 academic years (excluding 01 year compulsory internship training required for registration to BMDC) is described under 4 phases:

At the end of each phase the students shall attend the central summative phase assessments under DU; officially named as the professional MBBS examinations (similar to board exams).

Rules for admission of National students

Eligibility of applicants:

As per prescribed criteria by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

Selection & admission procedure:

Successful candidates selected by the Directorate General of Health Services, through a competitive exam, will be eligible for admission in UAMC.

The final selection of the students is made by a selection committee formed by the Academic Council on the basis of national “admission test examination results” as per guidelines given by the office of the Director General of Health Services (DGHS).

Admission will be conducted on first come, first admission basis; where chronology of merit will strictly be followed. Selected candidates will have to undergo a medical test (by the authorized UAMC doctors) to prove their physical competency.

The finally approved students are declared to have been provisionally admitted into the concerned college. Subsequently, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh confirms admission through a gazette notification.

Student quotas:

UAMC has a total of 90 seats allocated for 1st year MBBS candidates as per DG health instructions since 2013-2014. Considering the followings:

Candidates finally selected shall have to clear all payable fees to complete admission by the announced date and time. Otherwise their selection will be cancelled and the place will be filled up from among the candidates in the waiting list.

The particulars described above are as per the decision of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Bangladesh. Students are liable to pay VAT as per Government instructions if any.


Rules for the admission of foreign students:

Eligibility of the applicants:

As per the admission policy for foreign students made by the Government of Bangladesh. Candidates must have a non- Bangladeshi passport.

Selection & admission procedure:

The following requirements must be fulfilled by the interested foreign students for their admission in UAMC-

    1. a)  Copy of O and A level or equivalent certificates & transcripts attested by their foreign ministry.
    2. b)  Duly filled in the application form provided by the Bangladesh Embassy in their country.
    3. c)  A separate Foreign Students’ application form available at the Principal’s office of UAMC should be collected on payment (will be announced later) and submitted along with the photocopies of passport and O/A level or equivalent certificates.
    4. d)  Upon the final assessment of all the supplied documents by the DGHS, the eligible candidates shall be chosen and notified to the UAMC authority officially. The suitable applications shall then be considered by the respective college authority. For this total processing, the application form submitted to the Embassy should reach DGHS via the Foreign Ministry of Bangladesh.

Eligibility of applicants:

As per prescribed criteria by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

Selection & admission procedure:

Successful candidates selected by the Directorate General of Health Services, through a competitive exam, will be eligible for admission in UAMC.

The final selection of the students is made by a selection committee formed by the Academic Council on the basis of national “admission test examination results” as per guidelines given by the office of the Director General of Health Services (DGHS).

Admission will be conducted on a first come, first admission basis; where chronology of merit will strictly be followed. Selected candidates will have to undergo a medical test (by the authorized UAMC doctors) to prove their physical competency.

The finally approved students are declared to have been provisionally admitted into the concerned college. Subsequently, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh confirms admission through a gazette notification.

Student quotas:

UAMC has a total of 90 seats allocated for 1st year MBBS candidates as per DG health instructions since 2013-2014. Considering the followings:

Candidates finally selected shall have to clear all payable fees to complete admission by the announced date and time. Otherwise their selection will be cancelled and the place will be filled up from among the candidates in the waiting list.

Expenses & payable charges for the MBBS course (Session 2020-2021)

(Taka Eighteen Lakhs Sixteen Thousand) only

 The Tuition fee will be chargedTaka 8,000/- (Taka Eight Thousand) only per month till the completion of the course.

The particulars described above are as per the decision of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Bangladesh (circular March& June 2018). Students are liable to pay VAT as per Government instructions if any.

 Rules for the admission of foreign students:

Eligibility of the applicants:

As per the admission policy for foreign students made by the Government of Bangladesh. Candidates must have a non- Bangladeshi passport.

Selection & admission procedure:

The following requirements must be fulfilled by the interested foreign students for their admission in UAMC-

    1. a)  Copy of O and A level or equivalent certificates & transcripts attested by their foreign ministry.
    2. b)  Duly filled in the application form provided by the Bangladesh Embassy at their country.
    3. c)  A separate Foreign Students’ application form available at the Principal’s office of UAMC should be collected on payment (will be announced later) and submitted along with the photocopies of passport and O/A level or equivalent certificates.
    4. d)  Upon the final assessment of all the supplied documents by the DGHS, the eligible candidates shall be chosen and notified to the UAMC authority officially. The suitable applications shall then be considered by the respective college authority. For this total processing, the application form submitted to the Embassy should reach DGHS via the Foreign Ministry of Bangladesh.

Expenses & payable charges for the MBBS course (Session 2020-2021):

    1. Admission fee & Tuition fee (For five years) US Dollar    $40,000

 (Govt. VAT has to pay as per rule of Govt. & University fees as per decision of Govt. & University)

Mode of Payment: During admission US Dollar $20,000. Then every year US Dollar $5,000 (20000+5000X4).


 Teaching members

All the departments are enriched with well experienced & qualified members – blend of a distinguished body of academics with proven teaching & research excellence and younger professionals with varied experience.

Most of the members engaged in teaching at UAMC&H have earned their perfection from home and abroad (Bangladesh, United Kingdom, United States and many other countries).

They are highly motivated and sincerely interested in optimal patient care, and in the teaching of medical students and trainee doctors under their intensive supervision.

At present there are more than 103 regular teaching members including Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Registrar, Curator and Lecturer in this institute.

Undergraduate teaching

Teaching of MBBS curriculum in undergraduate students is scheduled into daily routines as per Dhaka University recommendations involving all the faculty members primarily in the morning.

The College is implementing well designed curricula, utilizing modern and effective instructional methods and aids including information technology, providing the right environment for faculty development and by continuously monitoring and rigorously evaluating all the activities and systems.      

Teaching is imparted in both large and small groups through standard teaching methods. Some Clinical classes are conducted in evening sessions. Academic calendar of each phase is provided to the students accordingly to ensure their timely completion of course contents to qualify for upcoming professional exams.

In course Undergraduate training & Internship


The main course offered at UAMC is the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) based on undergraduate medical course curriculum (Newly revised; September 2012) approved by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council and by the Faculty of Medicine of Dhaka University (DU). The medical students will be awarded MBBS degree by Dhaka University (DU) upon their successful completion of the course and passing final professional MBBS examination.

National Goal:

To produce competent, compassionate, reflective and dedicated health care professionals who:

Objectives of MBBS Course:

At the end of the MBBS Course students shall:

1.Acquire knowledge and understanding of

    1. a) The sciences upon which Medicine depends and the scientific and experimental methods;
    2. b) The structure, function and normal growth and development of the human body and the workings of the mind and their interaction, the factors which may disturb these, and the disorders of structure and function which may result;
    3. c) The etiology, natural history and prognosis of the common mental and physical ailments. Students must have experience of emergencies and a good knowledge of the common diseases of the community and of ageing processes;
    4. d) Normal pregnancy and childbirth, the common obstetric emergencies, the principles of ante-natal and post natal care, and medical aspects of family planning and psycho-sexual counseling;
    5. e) The principles of prevention and of therapy, including health education, the amelioration of suffering and disability, rehabilitation, the maintenance of health in old age, and the care of the dying;
    6. f) Human relationships, both personal and social and the interaction between man and his physical, biological and social environment;
    7. g) The organization and provision of health care in the community and in hospital, the identification of the need for it, and the economic, ethical and practical constraints within which it operates; and
    8. h) The ethical standards and legal responsibilities of the medical profession.

2.Develop the professional skills necessary to

    1. a) Elicit, record and interpret the relevant medical history, symptoms and physical signs, and to identify the problems and how these may be managed;
    2. b) Carry out simple practical clinical procedures;
    3. c) Deal with common medical emergencies;
    4. d) Communicate effectively and sensitively with patients and their relatives;
    5. e) Communicate clinical information accurately and concisely, both by word of mouth and in writing, to medical colleagues and to other professionals involved in the care of the patient; and
    6. f) Use laboratory and other diagnostic and therapeutic services effectively and economically and in the best interests of his patients.

3.Develop appropriate attitudes to the practice of medicine, which include

    1. a) Recognition that a blend of scientific and humanitarian approaches is needed in medicine.
    2. b) A capacity for self education, so that he may continue to develop and extend his knowledge and skills throughout his professional life, and recognize his obligation to contribute if he can to the progress of medicine and to new knowledge;
    3. c) The ability to assess the reliability of evidence and the relevance of scientific knowledge, to reach conclusions by logical deduction or by experiment and to evaluate critically methods and standards of medical practice;
    4. d) A continuing concern for the interests and dignity of his patients;
    5. e) An ability to appreciate the limitations of his own knowledge, combined with a willingness, when necessary, to seek further help; and
    6. f) The achievement of good working relationships with members of the other health care professions.

Learning Outcomes of MBBS course:

To achieve the National goal and course objectives, a set of “Essential learning outcomes/ competences” which students of the medical colleges / institutes on completion of MBBS course and at the point of graduation must be able to demonstrate has been defined by BMDC are:

    1. I) The graduate with knowledge of scientific basis of Medical Practice
    2. II) The graduate as a practitioner

III) The graduate as a professional

Medium of Instruction: English

Duration: MBBS course comprises of 5 Years, followed by logbook based rotatory internship for one year

Course structure and duration

The MBBS course is of 05 academic years (excluding 01 year compulsory internship training required for registration to BMDC) is described under 4 phases:

At the end of each phase the students shall attend the central summative phase assessments under DU; officially named as the professional MBBS examinations (similar to board exams).

 Schematic presentation of academic years & allocated subjects of MBBS curriculum:

Pre –Clinical Para – Clinical Clinical





At the end of 1½ Year 3rd Year At the end of 1 Year 4th Year At the end of  1 Year At the end of 1½ Year



(6 m)




(6 m)

3rd term

(6 m)

Term I

6 m

Term II

6 m

Term I

6 m

Term II

6 m

1) Anatomy & Histology 1st  PROF MBBS EXAM
    • Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
2nd  PROF MBBS EXAM A. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 3rd PROF MBBS EXAM
2) Physiology B. Pathology
3) Biochemistry C. Microbiology
    • Community Medicine
  3 terms
    • Medicine & Allied subjects
    • Surgery & Allied Subjects
    • Obstetrics & Gynaecology


Special Notes: 

Teaching –learning strategies:

All the subjects in each phase are structured / organized into following components:

The number of these components may vary in different subjects within a phase (& among the phases) depending on the learning objectives and their curriculum contents. However, the total teaching hours are distributed as per the following methods in accordance to the phase contents.

Teaching & learning methods:

Large Group Teaching:

    • Lecture
    • Seminar

Small Group Teaching:

    • Tutorial
    • Demonstration
    • Students interaction
    • Problem Based Learning (PBL)

Practical session:

    • Use of practical manual
    • Performing the task/examination by the student
    • Writing the practical note book

Field Placement (Community based medical education):

In small groups for performing activities by the student themselves

Clinical teaching:

In ward, OPD, OT, POW, ED, ICU, etc.

Integrated teaching:

Encourage to learn ICT through computer lab of the college.


In course assessments:

Each month the students are provided with an academic calendar. The students are periodically assessed with the followings as a part of continuous teaching-learning process to evaluate their improvement:

For direct MBBS online Direct admission, Scholarship, and information, Contact Fortune Education: Call or  Whatsapp +880 1995529533, +91-9903355537

After each End-Term Examinations, guardians are informed of the progress of their children through official website records.

Features of the College

College Accommodation

The College and Hospital is situated on a total of 87260.035 sqft (05 Bighas) land. There are seven structures in the compound including one 17 storied building & 3 other buildings with arrangement for 500 in-patient along with separate outpatient, emergency & modern diagnostic facilities.

Teaching spaces:                                                                            

The academic activities are arranged at the following teaching spaces:

All of these are fully air conditioned.

Audiovisual Equipments

Each class is provided with teaching aids including effective multimedia projectors, computers, and microphone

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