North Bengal Medical College (NBMC) was established in the year 2000 as per permission of the Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The College is situated in a beautiful location on the bank of River Jamuna, covering an area of 6.17 acres (18.17 bighas) of land in the district town of Sirajganj, Bangladesh. The campus has a special scenic beauty with lush green trees and meadows interspersed by newly constructed modern buildings and the old heritage buildings.
North Bengal Medical College
Basic Information-College Location:
North Bengal Medical College (NBMC) was established in the year 2000 as per permission of the Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The College is situated in a beautiful location on the bank of River Jamuna, covering an area of 6.17 acres (18.17 bighas) of land in the district town of Sirajganj, Bangladesh. The campus has a special scenic beauty with lush green trees and meadows interspersed by newly constructed modern buildings and the old heritage buildings.
The NBMC is Located at J.C. Road, Dhanbandi, Sirajganj and offers the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) under the Rajshahi Medical University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
For Online Direct MBBS Admission, Scholarship, and information, Contact Fortune Education: Call or WhatsApp +880 1995529533, +91-9903355537
College History
North Bengal Medical College is the first private medical college in the northern region of Bangladesh which was established in the year 2000 by the permission of the Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The College is sited in a beautiful location on the bank of river Jamuna over an area of 3.5 acres of land in the district town of Sirajganj.
The Founder of this Medical College, Late Prof. M. A. Matin was a well-known personality in Bangladesh. Besides being a very renowned Ophthalmologist, he was the president of Bangladesh College of Physician and Surgeon, Bangladesh Medical Association and Ophthalmic Society of Bangladesh. Prof. M.A. Matin envisioned a medical college in his hometown Sirajganj considering the poor Medicare facilities in the northern region of Bangladesh.
Late Professor Dr. Tashmina Matin was the founder Principal of North Bengal Medical College and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She served as Principal of this Medical College till her last breath. Her untiring efforts with the founder of this college Prof. Dr. M.A. Matin established this medical college as one of the best medical colleges in the northern part of this country.
North Bengal Medical College is an affiliated college under the Medical University of Rajshahi. Its MBBS curriculum is adapted by the faculty of medicine of this university. This college is recognized by The Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC). North Bengal Medical College offers a 5-year medical education course leading to MBBS. One-year internship after graduation is compulsory for all graduates. NBMC produced more than 500 teen medical graduates who are now working as graduate and postgraduate doctors in our country and abroad.
Fortune Education
Fortune Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh is World Leading & Pioneer Education Consultant of Medical colleges & universities. Providing MBBS, BDS, BVSc admission for medical aspirants & prospective students who are interested to study MBBS, BDS, BVSc and considering higher study opportunities in Bangladesh and overseas.
Fortune Education has legal rights to process admission to Medical, Dental colleges and universities all over the world. We offer MBBS, BDS & others Admission, Application, Guidance, Documentation, and required services such as to eligible students regarding medical and higher studies…
Fortune Education invites students to register for MBBS & BDS admission with a special Scholarship.
Admission in December of each calendar year
Eligibility for MBBS Admission
- Candidates intending to get themselves admitted in North Bengal Medical College must have passed S.S.C. or equivalent examination in 2014, 2015 and H.S.C. or equivalent examination in the year 2016, 2017 and must possess combined G.P.A. score 9.00.
- Students must have Physics, Chemistry and Biology in H.S. C. or equivalent examination and minimum G.P.A. should be 3.50 in Biology in H.S.C. examination.
- Tribal and Hill tracts candidates must possess minimum H.S.C and S.S.C. with total G.P.A. score of 8.00.
- General candidates should possess minimum G.P.A. 3.50 in S.S.C. or H.S.C. examinations or Tribal and Hill tracts candidates should possess minimum G.P.A. 3.50 in S.S.C or H.S.C. examinations.
- Those who passed O-level and A-Level and have equivalent G.P.A. points are also eligible to apply.
- Foreign students may also apply with an equivalence certificate of G.P.A. from D.G. Health Services, Bangladesh.
Procedure of Selection for Students:
- Selection of students will be made strictly on the basis of the results of the written examination administered by the DG Health Services.
- All applications for admission must be submitted in the prescribed form available from the Office of the Principal, North Bengal Medical College, Sirajganj.
- The prescribed application form, duly filled up, must reach to the Office along with the acknowledgement slip for the non-refundable registration fee of Tk.1,000.00 (One Thousand) only.
- Application form submitted without receipt of registration fee will NOT be accepted.
- Completed application in prescribed form will be submitted to the Office of the Principal, North Bengal Medical College, Sirajganj within prescribed time schedule.
- Attested photocopy of the following documents must be submitted with application form:
- Certificate of S.S.C. and H.S.C. Examinations or its equivalent.
- Testimonial of passing H.S.C. or equivalent Examination from the Principal of the College from which he/she passed the H.S.C. or equivalent Examination.
- Marks sheets/ transcript of S.S.C. and H.S.C. or equivalent Examinations.
- Certificate from the head of the institution in which the applicant studied last regarding his/her character, career and extracurricular activities.
- Character Certificate from a 1st class gazetted Officer.
- Nationality Certificate from Union Parisad Chairman/ Ward Commissioner.
- 3 (Three) copies of recent passport size photographs.
- Acknowledgement slip showing the payment of registration fees for application of admission in first year MBBS class.
Medical Fitness:
Every applicant provisionally selected for admission shall be medically examined by a Medical Board and must be declared fit before admission.
College Rules (Instruction for students)
- All students are to attend classes in clean, well-pressed white aprons with their name plates on the left front side of the Apron.
- Smoking is forbidden on the College Campus. Substance abuse prohibited.
- Pasting of posters in the walls of the College and the Hospital premises are prohibited.
- All types of demonstrations, shouting in the College and Hospital premises are prohibited and students involved in them are liable to be expelled from the College.
- Students must behave properly with staff/employees of the College/Hospital. Acts of misbehavior are also acts of indiscipline and liable for disciplinary action.
- Students are expected to maintain the highest standard in their academic and private lives.
- At the time of admission into the College, students and parents/guardians will have to sign a bond that their children will abide by the rules and regulations of the College.
- Every student shall provide themselves all the prescribed Text Books, Dissecting instruments, Medical equipment, etc. The College will NOT supply these to the students.
- Leave in case of illness or other unavoidable reason of non-attendance, a written statement from the parent/guardian is to be presented to the teachers concerned, who in turn will submit it to the Principal for approval.
- Any unauthorized absence/ non-attendance in the class will be liable for disciplinary action.
- Cost of loss/damage to College/Hospital property is liable to be realized from the student/ students found responsible for the loss/ damage of the College/Hospital property.
Political activities are NOT permitted in the College.
College Discipline
Students must observe strict discipline in the College. On disciplinary grounds, following penalties may be imposed on a student (according to the nature of the offense committed).
- Warning.
- Fines (Amount to be decided by the authorities).
- Expulsion from the College (temporarily or permanently) depending on the gravity of the offense committed. Penalties imposed on a student will be recorded in his/her Transcript/ Testimonial.
A student’s name may be struck off from the College Register under the following circumstances:
- Remaining absent from classes for more than three months without any information.
- On disciplinary ground as per decision of the Academic Council.
- On non-payment of the College dues within three months of date of payment.
- Common Rules for Examinations
- University Professional Examination to be started from May and November.
- University Professional Examination will be completed within the specified time of the concerned Phase.
- After passing the 1st Professional MBBS Examination, students can appear for the 2nd Professional MBBS Examination, if all other prerequisites for the 2nd Professional MBBS Examination are fulfilled. In the meantime, students can attend Clinical Ward placement, teaching and learning sessions.
- To appear for the 3rd Professional MBBS Examination, students have to pass all the subjects of the previous 2nd Professional MBBS Examination and all other relevant prerequisites are to be fulfilled. In the meantime, students can attend Clinical Ward placement, teaching learning sessions.
To appear in the 4th (Final) Professional Examination, students have to pass all the subjects of the previous 3rd Professional Examination and all other prerequisites are to be fulfilled. In the meantime, students can attend Clinical Ward placement, teaching learning sessions.
Few directives and consensus about the following issues of assessment:
- In case of OSPE/OSCE, instruments/equipment to be taken to oral boards to ask open questions to the students, apart from Structured Oral Examination (SOE). There will be scope of instrument related viva, especially in clinical subjects and where applicable. Central OSPE/OSCE from the Dean Office after moderation will be encouraged.
- In case of Structured Oral Examination (SOE), instead of preparing specific structured questions, topics will be fixed considering a wide range of content coverage. Rating scale will be used for marking the students concurrently. Each student will be asked questions from all topics of the set. Equal or average duration of time will be set for every student.
- Library Rules and Regulations
These rules are adopted in order to provide an atmosphere that is appropriate to library use. So, everyone using the library is expected to abide by the following rules.
- Teachers can borrow books only for one month which should be renewed before the due date. Students are not allowed to borrow any book. They will read only in the library room.
- Reference books, Journals, research reports, magazines etc. are not offered for loan but can be used for reading in the library after entry into the register. They have to be returned to the circulation desk.
- If any library material is lost or damaged, the concerned person should replace it by a new and original one.
- Personal possessions are not allowed in the library.
- Operation of any personal electronic devices (e.g. laptop, tablet, Smart Phone) are not allowed to be used inside the library.
- Leaving debris or waste materials on the study tables or in any other place inside the library is prohibited.
- Taking food and drinks is not allowed inside the library.
- Smoking within the library is strictly prohibited.
- Making sounds or noises (including discussion, gossiping, talking on a cell phone) which breaks the silence of the library and causes disturbance to others is completely prohibited.
- Library users should avoid resting their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, windows etc.
- Users should not move books, theses, journals and other periodicals from their specific areas to another area.
- Users should not keep the books or other materials on the shelves after reading; they will leave it on the table. The library staff will do the necessary steps.
- Users should refrain from rearranging library furniture.
- Users should refrain from sleeping in the library.
- Marking, underlining or disfiguration with pen/pencil/marker on a book, periodical, journal, chairs, table or other library material is forbidden.
- Defects noticed on the books and other materials taken for reading or for borrowing should be brought immediately to the notice of the library staff on duty. Books loaned should be protected from any damage.
- Users must keep their bags on the rack before entering the library.
- No one will be allowed to use the library except the teachers and students of this institution.But with special permission, someone can use the library for a limited period only.
Users Should read newspapers on the specific newspaper table within the library and should not move the newspapers from that site.
Principal of
For direct MBBS online Direct admission, Scholarship, and information, Contact Fortune Education: Call or Whatsapp +880 1995529533, +91-9903355537
After passing the Final Professional MBBS Examination, students have to enroll for one year log book-based rotator internship program. Within this one year period, 11 months and 15 days will be at Medical College Hospital and remaining 15 days at an Upazila Health Complex (UHC), the sub-district-level public hospitals. Internship program will be more structured and supervised. It is compulsory to complete Internship Training program designed by the BMDC to get permanent registration for doing independent medical practice.
MBBS Fees Structure in Bangladesh
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